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INESC TEC researcher publishes book

INESC TEC researcher publishes book

Ricardo Queirós, researcher at INESC TEC’s Centre for Research in Advanced Computing Systems (CRACS) has published and edited, in January 2015, a book about innovative teaching strategies and new learning paradigms in the area of Computer Science. The book was published by IGI Global and is available on Amazon.

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INESC TEC starts new project on manufacturing industry

INESC TEC starts new project on manufacturing industry

In January 2015, INESC TEC’s Centre for Enterprise Systems Engineering (CESE) started a new project where the goal is to study the main conditions for a combined use of funds (public and private, national and European) in large-scale Research, Development and Innovation (RDI) initiatives in the area of manufacturing industry.

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US Navy funds INESC TEC project

US Navy funds INESC TEC project

INESC TEC’s Centre for Information Systems and Computer Graphics (CSIG) has submitted an application to the Office of Naval Research Global (ONRG) of the United States of America, where the goal is to study new algorithms to monitor multiple objects in extreme light conditions. The application has now been approved.

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INESC TEC presents technologies as part of EXPLORE

INESC TEC presents technologies as part of EXPLORE

On 16 March, INESC TEC hosted the 1st Matchmaking Event of EXPLORE, a project coordinated by INESC TEC where the goal is to identify and realise opportunities to explore the results of European Research and Technological Development (RTD) projects in the area of manufacturing technologies.

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UFRN prepares to join INESC P&D Brasil

UFRN prepares to join INESC P&D Brasil

The Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) is now preparing to join the INESC Brazil Network, following a meeting, on 19 March, with the president of the university Ângela Maria Paiva Cruz, the secretary for international relations, Márcio Venício Barbosa, the President of INESC P&D Brasil, Vladimiro Miranda, and other professors at UFRN.

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INESC TEC wants to increase e-Inclusion and autonomy of the blind with mobile digital platform

INESC TEC wants to increase e-Inclusion and autonomy of the blind with mobile digital platform

Increasing the autonomy of the blind or people with low vision, allowing them to be included in a large set of activities and improving their quality of life, using a mobile digital platform – this is INESC TEC’s goal with project CE4BLIND (Context Extraction for the blind using computer vision), which starts in May and will last 12 months.

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INESC TEC organises advanced training session in risk management in power systems

INESC TEC organises advanced training session in risk management in power systems

INESC TEC’s Centre for Power and Energy Systems (CPES) has organised the training session “Risk Management in Power Systems: from Theory to Practice”, which took place between 15 and 17 June at INESC TEC as part of the EES-UETP (Electric Energy Systems – University Enterprise Training Program) consortium.

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INESC TEC researcher is Best Reviewer in international journal

INESC TEC researcher is Best Reviewer in international journal

Paulo Caldas, researcher at INESC TEC’s Centre for Applied Photonics (CAP) and assistant professor at the Polytechnic Institute of Viana (IPVC), was named Best Reviewer 2015 of the Journal of Optics & Laser Technology, published by Elsevier, for his “excellent work, quality and objectivity in the revision of papers.”

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INESC TEC researcher co-edits scientific book

INESC TEC researcher co-edits scientific book

Aurélio Campilho, manager of the Centre for Research in Biomedical Engineering (C-BER), is co-editor of the book Image Analysis and Modeling in Ophthalmology, published by CRC Press in February 2014.

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Paper on Underwater Wireless Power Transfer receives is Best Paper

Paper on Underwater Wireless Power Transfer receives is Best Paper

Researchers at INESC TEC's Centre for Telecommunications and Multimedia (CTM) participated in ICUMT - 8th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems, an international event that brings together researchers, engineers, service providers and other professionals in the fields of telecommunications, control systems, automation and robotics.

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INESC P&D Brasil and INESC TEC develop system to monitor railways

INESC P&D Brasil and INESC TEC develop system to monitor railways

INESC P&D Brasil and INESC TEC are working with the Federal University of Juiz de Fora and INERGE – Energy Management Institute in Brazil on a project where the goal is to create an embedded system for visual monitoring and thermal railways. The project started in February.

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Project that helps women choose the best course of treatment for breast cancer comes to an end

Project that helps women choose the best course of treatment for breast cancer comes to an end

Project PICTURE (Patient Information Combined for the Assessment of Specific Surgical Outcomes in Breast Cancer), developed by INESC TEC’s Centre for Telecommunications and Multimedia (CTM), was concluded in January 2016.

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INESC TEC co-organises event in Hannover

INESC TEC co-organises event in Hannover

INESC TEC’s Centre for Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship (CITE) is co-organising a Future Match brokerage event, which will take place between 14 and 18 March in Hannover, as part of CeBIT. Registrations are open until 29 February.

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Member of the Board of INESC TEC appointed IEEE Distinguished Lecturer

Member of the Board of INESC TEC appointed IEEE Distinguished Lecturer

Vladimiro Miranda, Member of the Board of INESC TEC and Full Professor at FEUP, has been nominated by the IEEE as a Distinguished Lecturer of Power Engineering Society.

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INESC TEC develops underwater docking station for underwater robots

INESC TEC develops underwater docking station for underwater robots

In October 2015, two teams from INESC TEC’s Centres for Telecommunications and Multimedia (CTM) and Robotics and Intelligent Systems (CROB) have started working on project ENDURE, led by INESC TEC (project leader). The goal with this project is to develop an underwater docking station for autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs). The station will allow these vehicles to remain in the ocean for long periods of time.

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INESC TEC welcomes workshop on case studies of project InteGrid

INESC TEC welcomes workshop on case studies of project InteGrid

In February, INESC TEC organised a workshop on the case studies of InteGrid, a smart grids project. About 36 people attended the event.

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Advanced robotics technologies make industrial production more innovative

Advanced robotics technologies make industrial production more innovative

Optimising industrial production through robotic innovation is the objective of a new project led by INESC TEC's Centre for Enterprise Systems Engineering (CESE), in partnership with the Centre for Industrial Robotics and Intelligent Systems (CRIIS) and the Centre for Industrial Management and Engineering (CEGI).

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INESC TEC makes communications in Space more efficient

INESC TEC makes communications in Space more efficient

In January, INESC TEC kicked off the European project SCREEN (Space Cognitive Radio for Electromagnetic Environment maNagement), where the goal is to take the concept of cognitive radio to Space, exploring the benefits that this technology has demonstrated on land. The project has a budget of one million euros.

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INESC TEC develops technology that monitors frying oils using optical systems and smartphones

INESC TEC develops technology that monitors frying oils using optical systems and smartphones

A unique technology in the world, made in Portugal, will make it possible to control the quality of frying oils using optical and software systems that register and monitor data through smartphones. The R&D project brought together INESC TEC, AMBIFOOD, the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Porto (FFUP) and ASAE’s Chemistry Lab.

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INESC TEC develops solar power forecasting system for distribution networks

INESC TEC develops solar power forecasting system for distribution networks

INESC TEC’s Centre for Power and Energy Systems (CPES) has recently started a demonstration, for EDP Distribuição, of an innovative solar power forecasting system, as part of the European Project SuSTAINABLE - Smart Distribution System OperaTion for MAximizing the INtegration of RenewABLE Generation (funded by the 7th Framework-Programme).

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