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INESC Porto and the Portuguese Navy prepare search and rescue robots

INESC Porto and the Portuguese Navy will develop marine robotic systems to help in search and rescue missions. The aim of these tools is to be able to find survivors in catastrophes, relieving rescue teams of the most difficult and dangerous tasks.

They will be equipped with sensors to detect humans and they will be able to communicate with rescue teams. They will have a high degree of autonomy that will allow them to work in complex situations.

Ideally they will be able to take on the role of automatic vehicles to aid first responders in disasters. These autonomous robotic vehicles will help in search missions, supporting the rescue teams and taking on the most difficult and dangerous tasks, such as finding survivors and helping to save human lives.

This partnership between INESC Porto, the Portuguese Navy and the Naval Research Centre of the Portuguese Navy is part of the European Project, ICARUS. The project will begin in January 2012 and the first marine robots developed as part of the project should be completed by 2013.

In addition to participating in this European project, the Naval Research Centre for the Portuguese Navy and INESC Porto have collaborated in many areas that range from the development of autonomous sailboats to maritime protection systems.

TeK Sapo, 15th June 2011



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