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Project by INESC P&D Brazil optimises turbines in hydroelectric plants

In July, INESC P&D Brazil launched an R&D project where the goal is to develop a system for optimising Kaplan hydraulic turbines, commonly used to produce hydroelectric power.

This work consists of developing a mathematical model that will make it possible to optimise the operation of hydropower plants using hydraulic Kaplan turbines. The project has a duration of 15 months and will culminate with the validation of the optimisation strategy, with the submission of papers, and with the organisation of workshops to demonstrate results.

The project is coordinated by Erlon Finardi, professor at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), member institution of the INESC Brazil Network, and will be developed by two PhD and master’s students, both as part of the graduate programme in Electrical Engineering at UFSC.

This project is funded by REIVAX Automation and Control, as part of ANEEL’s R&D programme.

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