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INESC TEC researcher edits special issue on temporal information

Ricardo Campos, researcher at INESC TEC’s Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support (LIAAD), has recently edited a special issue on Temporal Information Retrieval of the Information Processing & Management Journal, by Elsevier.

INESC TEC researcher edits special issue on temporal information

Ricardo Campos

This work – developed in partnership with Leon Derczynski (Sheffield University, UK), Jannik Strötgen (Heidelberg University, Germany) and Omar Alonso (Microsoft Corporation, USA) – contributes to the research on temporal information, providing a valuable resource for all those interested in this research domain.

Ricardo Campos has a PhD in Computer Science from the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, and currently teaches at the Polytechnic Institute of Tomar (IPT), Portugal. In 2013 he won an award as part of the  Fraunhofer Portugal Challenge for his work in information retrieval.

The researcher mentioned in this news piece is associated with INESC TEC.

INESC TEC, October 2015



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