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INESC TEC and S. João Hospital Centre sign collaboration protocol
On 29 December, INESC TEC signed a protocol with the S. João Hospital Centre (CHSJ) to promote cooperation in various areas: information systems (sustaining artificial intelligence and other techniques to support Business Intelligence), energy efficiency, logistics, and biomedical engineering.
This protocol establishes that the two institutions will be cooperating in national and European research projects, combining R&D efforts that will promote professional valorisation at the level of postgraduate degrees, masters and PhDs. At the same time, these activities will provide technology to the national technology-based companies providing services to the CHSJ.
The research projects will be developed by multidisciplinary teams, composed of researchers from different INESC TEC Centres and physicians from the CHSJ.
The protocol, valid for the next four years, was signed by the President of INESC TEC, José Manuel Mendonça, and by the President of CHSJ’s Management Board, António Ferreira.
It is important to remember that the two institutions had already been cooperating in joint research projects over the last years.
INESC TEC, January 2015