  Home CSIG Projects Success Stories APSAT
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Public action, sustainable development and satellite technology

APSAT is a European project encouraged by the ERDF SUDOE territorial cooperation program (in Portugal, France and Spain), in which the following partners participated: Aerospace Valley, CETE South West, Tecnalia, Conseil Régional Aquitaine, Conseil Régional Midi Pyrénées, ASCAMM, CIM Bird and INESC TEC.

Project APSAT tried to demonstrate the effectiveness of innovative satellite services that allow regions to pursue the goal of sustainable development: optimising paths, reducing greenhouse gases, collecting information to protect the environment, creating new services, among others. Citizens will thus benefit directly or indirectly from these new technologies that will improve their day to day lives and the environment.

The Intermunicipal Community of the Portuguese Ave region (AVE CIM) decided to be the 'living laboratory' to test the app developed by INESC TEC: the CleanMyCity. This application is free, and it allows citizens to report, in real time or deferred, the state of public trash containers, as well as the location of objects or other abandoned garbage in the city, so that the proper authorities can be informed and quickly collect it. Furthermore, it also allows the citizen to know where the nearest recycling bins are.

This project started in January 2011 and lasted 3 years. The INESC TEC team consisted of Lino Oliveira, Rui Barros and Jorge Daniel Santos of CSIG. The testing phase was supported by tests José Carlos Sousa, of the Business Informatics Service (SIG).



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