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INESC TEC researcher co-edits book on soft computing
Jorge Freire de Sousa, researcher at INESC TEC’s Centre for Industrial Engineering and Management (CEGI), is co-editor of the scientific book Computer-based Modelling and Optimization in Transportation, which gathers recent research on the use of soft computing in transportation and logistics.
Published in Abril by Springer, the book covers themes like “optimisation and simulation,” “traffic modelling, traffic network control and management” or “energy and environmental impact.” The work compiles work by researchers from the EURO Working Group on Transportation (EWGT) presented in meetings and workshops in which the Group participated. According to the authors’ introductory note, “the papers presented here will help the reader understand some important subjects by providing important points of view from experts.”
The book also includes two papers by INESC TEC researchers: “An Integrated Approach for the Design of Demand Responsive Transportation Services,” by Jorge Pinho de Sousa (Centre for Enterprise Systems Engineering – CESE) and Teresa Galvão (CEGI); and “Evaluating Changes in the Operational Planning of Public Transportation,” by João Moreira (Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support – LIAAD) and Jorge Freire de Sousa.
The INESC TEC researchers mentioned in this article are associated with the following partner institutions: FEUP.
INESC TEC, may 2014