  Home INESC TEC Patents Archive Optical router for DWDM systems with selectivity and wavelength shifting
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Optical router for DWDM systems with selectivity and wavelength shifting

Request number
Publication date 2004-12-31
Patent number 102.982
Grant date 2005-04-22
Inventors Henrique Salgado , Igor Terroso, Joel Carvalho , Orlando Frazão


The present invention consists of a completely optical router for optical communication networks that operate with dense-wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) technology.

This new configuration is composed of several photonic devices such as optical circulators, optical isolators, wavelength shifters and optical filters based on optical fibre Bragg gratings. The architecture presents great flexibility with regard to selecting multiplexed channels in wavelength and it includes the impossibility of interference between channels with the same wavelength due to the functionalities performed by the system blocks.

This new configuration is bidirectional and it is possible to add or remove multiplexed optical channels. This optical router can also use other devices that improve its performance. This device is totally scalable to configurations n x n doors, where n can be odd or even.









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