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Spin-off company created by HASLab/INESC TEC is finalist in the COHiTEC initiative

The spin-off Dependableware, created by researchers at HASLab – High-Assurance Software Laboratory, a Privileged Partner of INESC TEC located in the University of Minho (U.Minho), was one of the finalists of the COHiTEC initiative, promoted by COTEC Portugal. This U.Minho spin-off developed database management software which is more flexible, reliable, scalable and profitable comparatively to the solutions available on the market.

The HeveaDB expands the existing databases so that they can work in the new distributed systems, reducing costs and the risk of losing information. The technology developed is the result of seven years of research and is now incorporated in a prototype that is being tested with a restricted group of clients.

After the pilot stage, the idea is to use the software in Cloud Computing environments and to obtain clients internationally. “So far, we are optimistic about the contact with the market, more specifically when it comes to assuring that our product is suited to the needs of the companies. Therefore, we will try to find important national clients that allow us to move on to the international market”, reveals Miguel Matos, company CEO and researcher at HASLab.

Moreover, “the product was also designed for a cloud computing environment, where large suppliers such as Amazon, Google, Salesforce and Rackspace provide marketplaces to sell software solutions. Soon we want to provide our product through these suppliers, bringing on a larger number of clients”, adds the CEO who founded the spin-off, recently incubated at U.Minho, together with HASLab researchers Ricardo Vilaça, José Pereira and Rui Oliveira.

Dependableware was one of the finalists of the 10th edition of COHiTEC, which evaluated 17 other projects developed by 14 national R&D institutions, in different areas such as IT, biotechnology or chemical, material and mechanical engineering. This initiative by COTEC Portugal is a training activity to assess the potential of technology developed in Portuguese R&D institutions.

The INESC TEC researchers mentioned in this article are associated with the following partner institution: University of Minho.

BIP, July 2013



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