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On-line daily news platform for young people

P3, an informative site for the Público Portuguese newspaper aimed at youngsters, has been available since 22 September, 2011. The portal was developed by Ricardo Morla and Bruno Ribeiro, researchers at the Centre for Telecommunications and Multimedia at INESC TEC.

The portal was produced by a team of journalists from the Público newspaper and university professionals. It was the result of a consortium that includes Público, the University of Porto and INESC TEC, and wasfunded by the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF).

The project is innovative not only because it was the first time that a general editorial product has been created for this type of target audience (university students and graduates), but also because the partnership that led to the development of the project is equally original.

P3 has a strong multimedia component, as a research laboratory in journalism, working in conjunction with the Degree in Communication Science from the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Porto. It also has a strong technological and experimental element as it was developed by researchers at INESC TEC.

P3 has three sections: Culture, Reality and Vices. The Culture section is autonomous and includes items such as MP3, Shows, Books, Design and Architecture. The Reality section covers topics such as Sport, the Economy and Education. The section on Vices is a special supplement that highlights topics such as technology, fashion or television series.

The site also has a private section which you must register to gain access. You can register through your Facebook account. This section allows site users to follow and be followed by other readers. Users can also personalise their sections and the  topics they enjoy reading, as well as use the “Inspire Yourself” section, which is a type of mosaic of suggestions that can be published on the site, such as videos, photos and text.  The provisional name for this section is “Pquê?” which means Why.

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