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Specialised Consultancy Services in RDI Management Systems
Developing, implementing and evaluating contents, methodologies, procedures and tools for Research, Development and Innovation Management.
At the Centre for Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship (CITE) we are recognised for our experience and knowledge in the development, implementation and evaluation of contents, methodologies, procedures, processes and tools for Innovation Management in diverse organisations that range from micro and large companies to industrial companies and entities that work in the service sector. These services are in accordance with the Portuguese Standard on Research, Development and Innovation Management (NP 4457: 2007).
Through CITE, INESC Porto has been actively involved in the writing of the Portuguese Standard 4457:2007 and was responsible for the creation of the Manual Classifying RDI Activities and produced by COTEC Portugal - Associação Empresarial para a Inovação.
Furthermore, we provide companies with high value service packages that include consultancy services and specialised and advanced training in Innovation Management.
At CITE as part of our consultancy services, where relevant, we promote interaction between companies and other R&D Centres at INESC TEC or other stakeholders in INESC TEC’s wide network of associates.
To provide our consulting services for the implementation of RDI Management Systems, according to Standard NP4457:2007, we use the following Methodology:
- Initial awareness Workshop and harmonisation of the concepts associated to RDI Management Systems, according to the Standard;
- Formulating an RDI strategy according to the business strategy;
- Formulating the technological roadmap;
- Developing RDI processes;
- Selecting support tools;
- Training on new processes;
- Following up the implementation of the processes;
- Developing the first internal audit process;
- Instructing on the certification process;
- Following up the certification audit process.
Expected benefits
- Innovation activities will be managed strategically, thus making it easier for innovation activities to be aligned with the business strategy;
- Sustainable mechanisms and technology to monitor the market will be developed;
- Value will be added as a result of interaction with partners;
- A culture of innovation will be developed gradually in the organisation;
- RDI activities will be more structured and the use of benefits directly and directly related to RDI will be more efficient;
- Projects and partnerships will be managed properly;
- Investments will be characterised properly, and consequently it will be possible to evaluate those investments and the return on investments.
Clients (for RDI Management Systems):
- Cerealis Produtos Alimentares
- COTEC Portugal
- Digital Partners
- EFACEC - Sistemas de Electrónica
- K2C
- Mota Engil
- Shortcut
- Solíndigos
- Fibersensing
- Tecninet
- Process.Net
- COTEC Portugal
- Universidade do Porto