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3D movement quantification on patients with Neurological Diseases

NeuroKinect is the study of movement related neurologic diseases. In order to evaluate the movement acuities, a revolutionary, non-wearable, low-cost 3D vision sensor is being used, the Kinect Sensor. The Kinect allows us color, depth and skeleton information, which is then used to 3D quantify the movement pattern of each individual.

NeuroMove is being used to quantify:

  • Parkinson's Disease
  • PAF (Paramiloidosis)
  • Epilepsy


Epileptic seizures are often accompanied by uncoordinated movement. From the clinicians perspective, uncoordinated seizure motion pattern of the patient's body is considered as valuable evidence in the identification not only of the presence of a seizure but also its source.

KinectEpil Project Featuring Video 

Main Papers:

Parkinson's Disease

Movement-related diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease (PD), affect progressively the motor function.
For that purpose, we present a RGB-D camera (Microsoft Kinect) system and its evaluation for PD assessment.

Parkinson's Disease Featuring Video

Main Papers:

  • Ana Patrícia Rocha, Hugo Choupina, José Maria Fernandes, Maria José Rosas, Rui Vaz, João Paulo Silva Cunha. "Parkinson’s Disease Assessment Based on Gait Analysis Using an Innovative RGB-D Camera System". 36th Annual International IEEE EMBS Conference (August 2014 - Accepted for Publication)
  • João Paulo Silva Cunha, Ana Patrícia Rocha, Hugo Choupina, José Maria Fernandes, Maria José Rosas, Rui Vaz. "Sistema de quantificação 3D de movimento portátil e de baixo custo para estimativa do sub-score de marcha em doentes parkinsónicos". Sinapse no. 1 volume 14 (2014): 67.
  • Silva Cunha, João P., Jan Rémi, Christian Vollmar, José M. Fernandes, Jose A. Gonzalez-Victores, and Soheyl Noachtar. "Upper limb automatisms differ quantitatively in temporal and frontal lobe epilepsies." Epilepsy & Behavior 27, no. 2 (2013): 404-408.

 PAF (Paramiloidosis)

Familial Amyloid Polyneuropathy (FAP) is a rare neurologic disease caused by an autosomal dominant genetic mutation that specially affects the peripheral nervous system.
The gait pattern of FAP patients is described as similar to the gait pattern of diabetic neuropathy, called steppage (pendent feet and bent knee), but it has never been quantified. This project aims at describing and quantifying the motor impairment of this population, focusing on gait.

Main Papers:

  • C. Andrade, "A peculiar form of peripheral neuropathy - familial atypical generalized amyloidosis with special involvement of the peripheral nerves," Brain, vol. 75, pp. 408-427, 1952.
  • M. D. David Adams, Ph.D., "Recent advances in the treatment of familial amyloid polyneuropathy," Ther Adv Neurol Disord, vol. 6, pp. 129 –139, 2013.


João P. Cunha (INESC TEC),  Ana Patrícia Rocha (IEETA), Hugo Choupina (FEUP), Maria do Carmo Vilas Boas (FEUP),  José Maria Fernandes (IEETA


UP, IEETA, Hospital de São JoãoLudwig Maximilian University of Munich





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