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Portuguese professor showcases in the US technologies to monitor vital signs in firefighters (Correio da Manhã)

A professor from Porto will present at a United Nations conference two technological solutions to monitor the vital signs of paramedics and firefighters in situations of conflict and natural disasters. The conference takes place at Google's headquarters in the United States.

João Paulo Cunha, coordinator of INESC TEC’s Center for Biomedical Engineering Research and a professor at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP), will be the only Portuguese to participate in the conference organised by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, a press release announced.

The technological solutions developed by INESC TEC to be presented by the professor are wearable sensors that make it possible to verify, for example, cardiac function (through electrocardiogram - ECG), respiration and body temperature, and assess fatigue rates, stress levels, exposure to heat and harmful gases (such as carbon monoxide). In addition to the vital signs, the technology developed, integrated into emergency communication, alarm and critical event management systems, can be used to verify the positioning of first responders, João Paulo Cunha explained to Lusa.

Correio da Manhã, 21 March 2017



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