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Cancer portal offers victims and families "reliable information"

A new online site in Portuguese for people who have cancer - or know someone fighting the disease - is now available, backed by doctors.

'' (Talk About Cancer) is the brainchild of the IPO (Portugal's cancer institute) in Porto, in collaboration with researchers from the University of Minho and Porto's INESC TEC.

One of its main objectives is to counter misinformation circulating the net.

"Cancer is the second biggest cause of death in Portugal, and we are seeing a growing number of people trying to take advantage of others' grief and despair to promote misinformation on the internet," explained one of the site's chief promoters Rui Oliveira.

Thus the new portal is "public and free to use" and already has around 400 members.

Assunção Tavares, a psychiatrist from IPO-Porto, said the team is "pleasantly surprised" by the interest shown this far.

"Cancer is the second biggest cause of death in Portugal, and we are seeing a growing number of people trying to take advantage of others' grief and despair to promote misinformation on the internet", Rui Oliveira.

Algarve Resident, 28 de janeiro de 2016



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